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Monday, August 27, 2012

The First Day

Okay, so the first day has come and gone and I only wanted to quit once. I only said the bad word (public school) once. In all reality I wouldn't quit homeschooling for anything. I love it. Good days and bad. We got our problem worked out and are ready for a new day tomorrow. I love being in a new routine. Hopefully we can keep it up. Here it is:

6:00 am I wake up and exercise, read my Bible, write out my goals for the day, start breakfast, and shower. My goal is to be out of the shower by 7:00 am. Didn't quite make it this morning, but I'll work on it.
7:00 kids get up and shuffle slowly into the kitchen to eat.
7:20 (ish) we start our morning routine: get dressed, brush teeth, make bed, chores.
8:00am Exercise, this time the kids join in, then Bible Time, then school starts.
10:00am snack time and more school
12noon Lunch.
1:00 School projects (all the 'extras')
After that is done: finish chores, if applicable, and FREE TIME. This is when the kids can watch an episode of TV, or play the Wii for a little bit, and just play.
Toddler takes a nap at 2 and I RELAX.
5:oo clean up time.
Then dinner, free time, showers, and bed at 8:30!
I try to be ASLEEP at 10, or at least in bed.
And now what you've all been waiting for... FIRST DAY PICTURES!

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