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Monday, July 18, 2011

School Supplies

Oh how I love them. When I was little I couldn't wait until the lists came out and I'd get to go to the store and get all the things on my list. I loved walking down the aisles and seeing the countless boxes of crayons and markers and papers and folders and pencils..... Well they are out at our local supercenter, they really are, I saw them today and walked down the aisles--all three kids in tow. I bought a couple notebooks; one for my daughter and one for my son. Soon, I will make a supply list and a 'letter from the teacher' (me)(mom) and mail it to my daughter. Then she and I can go to the store and get all the supplies she will need for this year of homeschooling. Not much, but it still should be a fun day. I kinda wish I was shopping for supplies for me. I loved picking out a new lunchbox and backpack---both of which she won't really need. :(  I get to buy some cool teacher-ish stuff for myself this year though. When we go shopping for supplies and are meandering the tools for school, I might, just might, pick up a box of markers for just me and maybe a folder or two.

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